Blog Bite: What Is Group Coaching?

Group coaching is a coaching technique that supports individuals with the same goal, to help them attain their goal together.  

Let’s say your goal is to master emotional intelligence (EQ).  You could do so working 1-on-1 with a coach, and that would be fantastic.  But imagine if you have 6-12 other people who are also wanting to master their EQ.  In group coaching, your coach would create a structured environment for all participants to explore ideas, hear different perspectives, and understand different methods for developing EQ.

Seeing perspectives different from your own, you’ll gain inspiration.  You’ll tailor the ideas that best fit you.  And you’ll jump into action, knowing you have a group that has your back as you have theirs.  

When you come back for the next group session, you’ll hear what went well for everyone, what didn’t, and what refinements need to be made.  Since you are constantly getting feedback from multiple people, not just a single coach, your blind spots are covered, fresh ideas are discussed, and you receive a ton of encouragement that helps you to accomplish your goal.

The coach’s role in this process is essential.  The coach is trained in group coaching facilitation and allows the participants to fully focus on giving their best for the benefit of themselves and the greater group.  The coach will listen, ask powerful questions, and clarify points.  The coach will also broaden perspectives, encompassing the diverse personality types of the group.  A great group coach is trained to move through a structure designed to help each participant take action and come to the next session, celebrating progress.

Group coaching is fun, energizing, inspiring, and extremely effective, not to mention way more cost-effective than individual coaching.

Chew On This:

  • What have you not been able to accomplish alone that you want to see if you can accomplish with a group?

Ryan C. Bailey & Associates is an organizational effectiveness firm focused on equipping leaders to develop in-demand high-performing teams to increase the health and effectiveness of the greater organization.

*This blog is an amalgamation of a few different clients.  No client is being singled out.